Thursday, 21 January 2010

Be pleased with the small stuff

I'm okay just feeling really c**p at the moment. Even the SAD lamp is not having a positive effect. But I did bring the rubbish bins in and do a load of washing, so that's 2 good things I've accomplished today!

I have an appointment with the 'wellbeing nurse' tomorrow, so as long as I can get out of the house to get there, that may give me the kick up the backside I need! If only it was that simple,eh? I'm very good at kicking myself up that backside, (yes, it IS really possible!!), and am forever being told not to 'beat myself up', but it is hard not. If I don't, I feel like I've given up and caved in. But sometimes that is the best thing to do...just go with it and come out the other side. So, today I am being a 'free flow Zo'!
Take care, Zoe x

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


This one is for Jane (posy.typepad).

You have no idea how much we have laughed at my goof!

Kings of Leon, Kasabian...they're all the same aren't they?

Zoe x

Twelth Night

Christmas didn't quite happen as I had planned, although it was fab.

Did get to put out the Advent Calendars, which I haven't done in years.
This is our favourite, 'Bunny Inn'.

But now it is time to say TTFN to Rudolpha, who tends to get hidden in the spare room.

And time to tuck 'A Partridge in a Pear Tree' back behind the piano.

This was designed and made by my dad, a commercial artist, over 40 years ago.
It's nearly 4ft tall and has really come into its' own against the red wall.

So, not a lot of decs put up, not even the tree (!), but we had a lovely time.

Bye bye deccies and see you again in about 10 months!

Zoe x

Abominable Snow...?

Oooo! what have we had in the garden?
Not the Abominable Snowman, surely?
No, let's looky here...'s the abominable snowcat!
Up to her knees in the snow last night. Do cats have knees?

Or maybe a little snow leopard.

Didn't quite get to take down the gazebo after the summer
(or lack of it).
I cannot believe that Mr Blossom managed to get to Brum, by train, this morning. And he is on his way back as I write (20 past 7). And bringing provisions too!
I know it is seen as a damned nuisance, but this snow sure is pretty.
Zoe x

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Happy New Year

A quick pop by by to wish you all the best for 2010.
Health, wealth and happiness to you all. (Tho' I think I'd place happiness above wealth).
Zoe x