Here he is as 'proud papa' in 1960. Yes, that is me!
It's always a bit of a 'sticky patch' this time of year.
The 30th was his birthday, but also, as it turned out, the day I went to register his death. He'd passed away on the 27th, a Friday, three days before his 75th birthday.
When the Registrar recorded the death it was hand-written in ink in a huge great ledger. She then realised she'd made a mistake with the dates. No easy way out other than to cross it out and put the right one in!
It is 30 years since he passed away.
I'll leave you with this huge picture he painted for my bedroom when I was about 8. He made me a little tree out of an old tree branch from our wood, and glued glitter onto it. It was when I started to buy my own deccies a lot of which I still use, a life-time later.
Night night Daddy. Love you forever.