Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Prettiest Boy In Da 'Hood

I'm stuffed full of catarrh and haven't been out of the house since Wednesday, when I had an osteopath appointment in Brum.
Sadly, the one other thing I bought back with me other than a big red folder for my Holiday Grand Plan, (thank you Tcakes for alerting me to this), was a stinking cold that has given me a big red nose!!
Yeah, I am feeling very sorry for myself!
So, I am treating myself to some eye candy!
the gorgeous Micheal Praed
Y'see, Robin in Nottingham was not the first Robin I had met!

Mr B had covered on the tour of Copacabana years back and when it came to Southampton, we had the opportunity to see the show together and we walked back to the railway station with Micheal, chatting away as tho' we'd been mates for life.
He was lovely and a gent. 
And, following on from the previous knitting post...how do you combine knitting with Robin Hood?
With vintage Robinoid needles, of course!

 Lovely red plastic needles sadly a tad too big to knit my socks on.
But they look great don't they?


  1. I'm laughing at the needle name- mwa ha !!!
    Phwoar though, he IS v good looking!
    Sorry you aren't well. Catarrh is the pits!x

    1. We could all do with a does of 'phwoar' don't you think?

  2. Several of my (male) friends used to find him attractive back in the 1980s but he didn't really do much for me. I never saw Robin of Sherwood, I remember him from Dynasty - Prince Michael of Moldova! x

    1. I'd forgotten Dynasty awfulness!!
      Argh! horrors!!

  3. Aw, glad to hear he's as nice as he looks. He's still pretty gorgeous now isn't he?
    Knobfast!?! I wonder why they went out of business!
    Hope you feel better soon. xxx

    1. He was lovely and has grown old very gracefully, hasn't he?

  4. Hi there! Can't beat a bit of man eye candy!! Wishing you better! xx
