Because I missed out on the tweeting that was going on yesterday, Mr B directed me to this rather amazing stained glass window.

The company is South London Stained Glass and their website is here.
A slight twist on OOTD more a must-have accessory for the coming, colder months.
A Jan Constantine tea cosy worn as a hat!
You'll have to excuse the face as we were in Homesense and Mr B all but dared me to wear it! How could I resist? (Lummy lorks...who pays full price for JC stuff? This was thirty quid even at Homesense!)
Thank you for the comments, Sharon. So pleased you managed to get the CK stuff from there; only a few left now and a couple of single quilt covers. And, having mentioned CK...thank you saracarolmakes for your extremely kind offer. I don't seem to be able to send you a message via the follower box. So, just so you know, I wasn't ignoring you!! Maybe see you at Bicycle Bazaar tomorrow? I think it's the last one for a while and is possibly in the piazza rather than the Fishmarket.
Have a fab weekend!
Z xx