Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Vintage Birthday Party


 This picture is over 50 years old!! It must've been taken by my dad, late 60s or possibly 1970.

My mum has her hair up in a French pleat, her usual style and is wearing a very fetching silver party hat!

I'm fascinated that the silver tea service is out, and going by the shape, the very, very early Susie Cooper cups and saucers. Oh yes, my parents were into "vintage" before the word "vintage" was even a thing. And yes, it has rubbed off on me!



  1. I love this picture! Your mum's hair is very chic! You haven't told us which one is you!!x

    1. Guess. (Top of the table, 'cos I was the birthday girl)!! Zxx

  2. What a lovely time capsule of a photo! xxx

  3. I love your photo!
    My mum and I used to visit the antique fairs and look for Susie Cooper pottery! She collected as many designs as she could! It was fun…the designs are lovely. 😁
