Once again, we were forced into a 'choose-what-you-want-NOW!' decision.
Having been stood out the front, on the pavement looking at the electric fire picture samples and choosing one out of 3 to be installed, the same thing happened with the wallpaper.
Having had a chat with the Liaison Officer, we came to the decision that they would 'decorate' the front room rather than us have the £150 in B&Q vouchers at the end of the fit up. So that we had "one room that we could relax in."
We'd mentioned that we were going to put down laminate flooring in there, (due to my asthma), and were told if we bought it they would fit it. Ten minutes or so later that was back-tracked to a no-no.
We went out to look at wallpaper samples from their car. It wasn't 'Anaglypta' per se but 'paintable wallpaper'. The walls are a bit rough so it has to be papered rather than just painted. Oh, the samples were dire; the really naff bog-standard Council stuff. (Or, am I meant to be PC and call it Social Housing?)

"What about if we bought our own", we asked. OK. So I went out and bought a couple of rolls of fancy Laura Ashley paper and 5 rolls of bin ends that work well with it. Changed my mind; thought the LA stuff would be nicer in our bedroom. Checked out a Next wallpaper - no samples in store, but they would put a piece in the post for me. (Thank you!)
It arrived today. Showed the LO and she comes out with something about us buying our own paintable paper, not regular wallpaper. I stood my ground and she has conceded that they will use it.

Now, I know she can't have specified for us to purchase the paintable type of paper, because I wouldn't have agreed to that and would've said 'stuff it, we'll do our own decorating!

I have nothing against it, just I've lived with that sort of thing for years and now, being given the chance, wanted something different. If we could've gone for a dado rail with the proper Anaglypta/Lincrusta then I may've been swayed. But that wasn't an option.
I am fed up of 'the powers that be' wheedling out of what they first agreed to. I am thinking it is necessary to record every conversation, just as proof.
But, it IS all coming together and there will be pictures soon!