Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Belated Wishes

Sunday, 12 December 2010
Canine Christmas Treats
Deep and Crisp and Even

Sunday, 28 November 2010
The One Ad I Can't Wait For Every Christmas
I do believe I get as excited as the children in this ad, each and every year, when I first see it on TV. It is even better if Mr B and I are together and if not we always remark to each other when we have first seen it!
Mr B has had to stay in Brum during the production week of Cinderella and couldn't wait to tell me that on the way in to work, by bus, there is a giant hoarding with the trucks on and the lights are illuminated! How cool is that? I think he may've taken a photo - will have to chase that up!
Z xx
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Christmas Joy

Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Clinical Depression Is A Bummer! * (Edited Version)
Edit: I downloaded this picture as I hadn't used it before. My fave CK design! I'm now thinking along the lines of Mr Cowboy lassoing all my negative cr*p and disposing of it down a canyon!
Monday, 15 November 2010
All Roads Lead To Christmas
In honour of I'm A Celebrity etc etc and the fact that it is, how many 'sleeps' to Christmas?, may I present, probably my favourite YouTube clip...ever
The Wonderful Janice Dickinson!!!!
'Nuff said!
Z xx
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Catch-up Mash-up

My heart goes out to them.

A few 'old' photos from Plymouth yet to have been downloaded until now!

Saturday, 6 November 2010
And The Winner Is!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Howzat Giveaway! 100 Not Out!
Basically, just leave a little message and if you are a lurker, take the plunge and become a follower. (You know you want to!).
I will put the names of anyone who follows in the hat anyway, 'cos I'm kind like that!!, but I would like to say thank you as you have all been such a support to me.
And, there are new names too! A big "hello" to Caroline, Roo, Delia , Belinda and Susy. Thank you for taking the time to follow me, I really do appreciate it. And I need to do some reciprocating too!!
So, Mr B will do the honours once it gets dark enough for fireworks, 'spose about 7pm (GMT),Saturday 6 November. We have the hat, we have the white gloves, we have the fireworks, we have the gift!
We just need you to enter! And to my USA chums, that means you too! It's open to all corners of the Globe!!
Good luck, Zoe xx
Thursday, 28 October 2010
The Loveliest Train Journey
I was going to upload these sections of film because they show, what I think, is some of the most beautiful railway views.
The area is Dawlish, which is a big summer holiday place. But imagine all this out of season. Magical!
This second film shows the continuing view but out of the other side of the train. It looks out over the deer park at Powderham Castle. Stunning!
Then I read about 'Little Man', (Christy's little boy) going on his train journey and loving it, so that made a double reason to upload it. I must apologise for the sound quality, or lack of it (!), but sticking your camcorder out of a train window that is hurtling along at probably 100mph doesn't create the best sound environment going!
I do hope you enjoy...do follow the links. Lovely pictures and info.
Also, there is a webcam available to view at Dawlish Warren.
Z xx
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
And Then I Saw Her Face
(With apologies to The Monkees)
What am I waffling on about, you may ask?
Well, about a month ago, I was trundling round Superdrugs' make-up displays. Now, when I do this either here on in Boots, I always keep an eye out for Lou of Sprinkle of Glitter, as she likes a bit of make-up! So, as I turned round, I saw a face that I thought I recognised, in the angled mirror above the display, behind me. I sidled up and very quietly asked "Mrs Watson?", probably giving the poor, pregnant girl a near-heart attack!
Thankfully, it was Lou and we had a very nice little natter. We must do it again sometime, with a sit-down and coffee included!
So, seeing as Lou asked what I'd bought on her lovely post about our meeting, (that she did ages ago), here it is! I had bought a different mascara, (Ultra, I think), but when I went to use it, it was all dried out! I took it back and stuck to my guns when the sales assistant said 'we don't exchange make-up', saying it was sold unfit for purpose, and swapped it for this Collection 2000 one. And as it was cheaper I also got a fiver back too! Result! It's not waterproof, but a coat of Clarins 'Fix' Mascara' and job done.
Here's a little piccie of it in use, so to speak. It is unlike anything I tend to use and the quality I think is really good. Mind you, I don't think this picture does it justice!
So, at long last Lou, it was brilliant to meet you. And, yes, I've done a bit of photo thievery too.
Let me finish off with Lous' Luscious Lips and her phrase "Mwah! Thanks for stopping by!"
Z xx
Saturday, 23 October 2010
How To Loose A Cat...

Thursday, 21 October 2010
This week...
And today I'm...
(No dessert face Bernie, no job)
Belgian waffle with vanilla ice cream, raspberry sauce and fresh strawberries.
So light and crunchy and fluffy and fruity and on the specials board at Cafe Rouge yesterday evening!
Z xx
Friday, 8 October 2010
Blowing My Own Trumpet!

These were costumes for a Christopher Bruce piece, that premiered at the Coli.
(Photo credit, Angela Taylor)
My very own cover shot!!
My gorgeous boys at Festival Ballet, (now ENB).
Three Mother-of-the-Bride hats.
And finally, a girl with a very big nose. Sorry, no(se), The Queen of Hearts headdress, from Alice in Wonderland.
So, I hope you've enjoyed and that has made up for no photos on the last but one post, 'cos we all seem to like a post with piccies!!
Have a great weekend. Do buy a raffle ticket from Sian this Sunday. It is for a very good cause, the Alzheimer's Society; my dad had it and Parkinson's too. Horrid, horrid things, so cruel. So, follow the links, either the picture in the sidebar, or click Sian's name.