This started out as an OOTD post, but then I became concerned at losing my anonymity.
There are a enough pictures of me on the blog, that you could probably pick me out in a line up(!), but possibly not enough to go "Aha, it's you!", in a crowded shop. My profile pic was chosen purely because it kept me anonymous. But, now I am meeting more bloggers, some of you know me in real life 3D! Is it something I should be concerned about or throw caution to the wind?
Or just take headless photographs?

Bag & shoes, TK Maxx
Umbrella, AccessorizeThere are a enough pictures of me on the blog, that you could probably pick me out in a line up(!), but possibly not enough to go "Aha, it's you!", in a crowded shop. My profile pic was chosen purely because it kept me anonymous. But, now I am meeting more bloggers, some of you know me in real life 3D! Is it something I should be concerned about or throw caution to the wind?
Or just take headless photographs?
Bag & shoes, TK Maxx
Brown jacket, New Look
Black Cargo pants, Evans
Z xx