So, to keep those of you who asked, happy, here's a peek at my smashing gifts from (very kind) fellow bloggers.

First off a parcel all the way from
Christy in Iowa.
Edibles, (always good!)...the cow poo is choccy-covered pralined peanuts. Totally delish! Salted soy nuts, a bit like salted peanuts but better for me.
Since receiving these I have read that soy is good for menopausal 'things'. Now, seeing I went into the bathroom
twice last night to get a loo roll and both times forgot why I'd gone in there, I think I need as much help as possible! Thru' reading blogs I have come across the phrase 'baby brain' quite a few times. Seems you can get the same type of thing at the far end of the spectrum too. Having mentioned to my GP that I seemed to getting really forgetful and she said it can happen with the peri-menopause. Bleeding heck, I know I haven't had children but us ladies don't half seen to get a rum deal, don't we?
The other 'foodie' item was the Microwave Popcorn on the Cob. That sounds like a really neat idea. I adore homemade popcorn. Just plain. Yum!

Also this brilliant cream, which I have let Mr B commandeer for his hands, which is why it wasn't in the main photo. I also received a bar of lavender and basil soap. I haven't used this as soap yet. I have kept it by my bed as it smells so gorgeous!
Christy and her husband chose things from their local area and their Farmers Market, so I got a little taste of Des Moins, which I thought was a really lovely idea.

A close-up of my very own flying pig. So cute! I also have a treasured picture from Christy's son, Willie, which I posted about

I'm sure you can tell this was
one of my gifts from
Vix. A handmade calico shopper with a zippy-mouthed skull! This was used
a lot while I was in Manchester.

Also included in my dotty gift bag was a black glittery eye pencil, a rather lush lilac nail polish, (oh my, how
rough are my fingernails?), one of her (I think) mums' rings, (I feel very blessed to have had this gifted to me), and a rather fab brooch, which I think goes rather well on my dusky black velvet jacket.

Precious ring and yummy-coloured nail varnish.

Pretty engraved brooch.

And not forgetting this wonderful black lace, (wasn't that a band?), collar. I've seen
Danielle wear something like this, tho' hers was attached to a dress, and thought it looked really good, so now I've got my own! Can have lots of fun styling that up!
So, there you have it!
Lucky, lucky me being spoilt rotten by a couple of wonderful bloggy friends.
Dare I say it, like the L'oreal ad, I'm worth it!
Z xx