Saturday 1 June 2024

The Annual Catch-up: part one (of possibly many!!)

 So, another birthday has gone by in a flash. As has quite a lot of the past year!!

another year, another cake

Most exciting news? Well, after a regular trip to the docs for blood tests, (all OK thank goodness!), we went for our lunch at Poppyfields.

long hair, don't care but do love that lavender at Poppyfields

 But after THAT, we took the bus, yes, BUS, one stop to the big Sainsburys. Well, only Sainsburys now. I haven't been on a bus since before COVID.  It was quiet, I thought we might've mis-timed it and caught all the hooligans, (sorry, schoolkids), going home, so that made it much easier!!

Once upon a time, I'd have walked from the surgery to the supermaket, done the meander around the aisles, had a bit to eat and got a taxi home with all the grocery shopping. Now I am just revelling in the fact I could walk to the pub without panicking or tripping myself up with my 'drunken walk'. It's a nervous thing I think...I swear I must look like I've slurped several pints and am worst for wear!!

The panicking is still an issue. But gradually I am improving.

Thank heavens for the Volunteer Car Service. That's all I can say.

Halfway through last year I needed to make several hospital visits and they took me. It was a private hospital, set in the grounds of a big Mental Health facility. It was a struggle, believe me, but eventually, on the third or so visit, we staggered through the stunning grounds to a little cafe. It was heavenly. 

Even when they threw an MRI at me, (stuck in a tube that only left me room to breathe), I managed. Upshot of the visits? Well, I am trying to cope without them Botoxing me in my 'lady parts'!! What does bother me is, why, the fibroid I have, that rests just by my bladder, has grown, when at the time it was found, (several years ago), I was told "at my age" it would shrink in size. No one seems that 'bovvered' and to be honest, who wants major surgery to remove it? So, I'll live with it for now.

Another brilliant thing to have 'achieved', is that, again, for the first time since before COVID, I got to visit my hairdressers. Bliss. I have never had such long hair. Whereas I did love it, I was not up to the care it needed. Bathing has become an issue, even just standing for any length of time, to have a shower, is painful and scary. So shorter hair is easier to wash in the handbasin if necessary. Investment in a sturdy 'bath seat' has been a good, if at times, demoralising purchase.

Mr B celebrating Valentines' Day. Always there to support me. Whatever.

Exercise and diet are needing much improvement. My diet is not awful, but with no walking, all food is too much food!! I don't drink caffeinated coffee anymore. Very few fizzy drinks, and preferrably no orange or citrus drinks. Same with food, citrus is out along with spicy food. I am Missy Bland!!

Grumble just sleeps through eveything

More crafty/garden goodness to follow!


Tuesday 30 May 2023

Vintage Birthday Party


 This picture is over 50 years old!! It must've been taken by my dad, late 60s or possibly 1970.

My mum has her hair up in a French pleat, her usual style and is wearing a very fetching silver party hat!

I'm fascinated that the silver tea service is out, and going by the shape, the very, very early Susie Cooper cups and saucers. Oh yes, my parents were into "vintage" before the word "vintage" was even a thing. And yes, it has rubbed off on me!


Sunday 28 May 2023

2009 to now

I started my blog on 28 May 2009. 

I'm just checking in, 2023. That's 14 years I've been writing about my life. 

I think I need to get back into it!


Thursday 2 December 2021

December Reflections - Day 2. Gold

I made this as part of a costume for a "rainbow party". 
I went as the pot of gold. 

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Life Is Not Forever. Love Is.

This is my dad on holiday with his parents and brother. I'm guessing it was Worthing, probably in the 30s?

Here he is as 'proud papa' in 1960. Yes, that is me!

It's always a bit of a 'sticky patch' this time of year.

The 30th was his birthday, but also, as it turned out, the day I went to register his death. He'd passed away on the 27th, a Friday, three days before his 75th birthday.

When the Registrar recorded the death it was hand-written in ink in a huge great ledger. She then realised she'd made a mistake with the dates. No easy way out other than to cross it out and put the right one in!

It is 30 years since he passed away.

I'll leave you with this huge picture he painted for my bedroom when I was about 8. He made me a little tree out of an old tree branch from our wood, and glued glitter onto it. It was when I started to buy my own deccies a lot of which I still use, a life-time later.

 Night night Daddy. Love you forever.


Saturday 7 May 2016

BEDM - Day 4, What's In My Bag?

I have deviated slightly here.
Rather than my handbag, I thought I'd show my little 'important-bits-when-travelling' bag.
It's not very big, 17 x 10 cms, and came as a poppered insert to a larger make-up bag that came with a Clinique Bonus Time many moons ago.
It's what goes in my back-pack when going away.

Working from the top, I have a ball of foot insert and Compeed plasters, 'cos I never know when once comfy footwear becomes a pair of killer shoes!
There's cotton buds, a travel-size nail file that was designed by that bloke off The Apprentice.
A couple of fancy hair slides and a variety of hair elastics and hairgrips and bun pins.
Eyelash glue(!), and a selection of 'lucky charms; lucky pennies, a giant sequin that came off a stage costume, my flying pink pig from Christy, (one of my original blogger mates in the USA), and my ring from Vix. I have this as part lucky charm and part to get it mended (sorry Vix). The ring bit was loose and broke off so I need to find somewhere to solder a new one on. I do believe this was a ring that her mum made, so it is extra special.
Plasters, elastic bands, safety pins, a bit of ribbon, a piece of thin elastic, a wooden hoof stick and a waste bag. It might be one of those waste bags but it'll work on any number of levels!!
Finally, a handy little sewing kit, with threads, a needle and a button.
I am one of those people who is forever swapping my handbag, so depending what I'm doing, the contents change.

At the moment it is my pink skull & crossbones Custard Shop bag. Going for the summery vibe and needed a bag that a long cross-body strap, so I could be hands-free for taking Rene to the vet on Thursday morning as she had been retching and didn't sound too good. The vet said they could put an endoscope down to check there was no obstruction or we could try something to soothe the throat. I went for the latter and she is doing fine.
Will probably keep that bag on the go as I am taking her back for a check-up Monday afternoon.

Sunday 1 May 2016

BEDM - Day 1, ECG Whizz

As a starter for 10, for Blog Every Day in May, a little catch up and something that you bloggers don't know about me!!
The other night I was whisked off to NGH, (Northampton General Hospital), with a suspected heart attack!

Don't panic...I'm all OK; just a bit of an achy chest.

I'd put out the big brown wheelie  bin that was full of garden rubbish and although it was on wheels it was still heavy! Then I put out the food refuse bin. Big, big mistake as Julia Roberts says in Pretty Woman. Having cleared out the freezer of old out-of-date stuff, the bin was stuffed to the gills. And so much of it still frozen, it was heavier than normal. Thought "ooo" when I picked it up but carried on, as you do. Came back in and the 'ooo' turned to and 'oow'!
"Just a strained muscle", I thought.

I started the dinner and Mr B came home. Still hurty, but OK.
Went to bed and it just wouldn't go away. Mr B was so concerned he called 111 and they sent out a paramedic in a car and an ambulance really fast.

Atal, my wonderful, kind paramedic
(photo by Mr B, not me! Y'know, in case you were wondering...)
An ECG was done, bp checked, a bit high, but that's why I am on meds for that. Other checks were done and although it was probably just a strain, the only way to be sure was to have blood tests done in hospital.

When heart attacks are shown on telly, it always seem to be a gripping pain in the arm and a giant "Arrgh" and a chest clutch as the person hits the floor!
Well, for all we thought it was a strain, the symptoms I had were also pointing to an attack. The fact that I could pinpoint one place for the pain, whereas a pulled muscle would radiate pain even to the back.
So, better safe than sorry!

It was the night after the 'doctors strike'; I was wheeled straight in and dealt with immediately. Fast, efficient and supportive. Kind and caring. I had to wait a couple of hours for the blood tests results but was seen by a doctor prior to them arriving. He checked things out 'manually' so to speak, in my eyes, 'proper doctoring'.
Thank goodness, when they arrived, the results were negative.

I feel a bit of a dope at the moment, even straightening out the bedclothes makes my chest really hurt and I am scared of doing anything in case it causes more pains. I mean, I need to lift things and move stuff and it's not always lightweight!! But it will get better given time.

So, there you go, something you didn't know about me!!
Ha ha!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Show Them Your Cross

I tried to find The Vicar of Dibley joke on Youtube, but had no joy.

As mentioned in my previous post, this is the French crucifix that I bought at the Vintage Fair, along with a 'Souvenir de Paris' scarf.

I am intrigued about the skull on it.
Does anyone know why?

Gosh, the weather since we came home has been tremendous, so I 've been a busy bee in the garden. Seeds, re-potting plants and actually planting the rose bushes which I bought in February and just heeled in for the last 2 months. Still, they look okay and are throwing out new shoots, so hopefully there'll be lots of lovely smelling flowers later in the year.

Summer...bring it on!!

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Not Quite 'Bonjour'

 Yeah, well...those who follow me on Facebook know I never made it to France.
But I have planted up a small trough with French lavender.

I had a crafty week, making use of the hot weather to wash all my new fabrics ready to cut and sew.
(Just need to make a space to lay it all out and cut it out!!).
drinking in the heady aroma of honeysuckle
 I've just about finished my embroidery that I started years ago and took up again when I spent the week on the boat in Oxford. Mind you, even that was years ago now, too!

We also were given cake!
Oh my, and what cake it was too! Our new Polish neighbours were celebrating their daughters' first birthday and Grandma made this beautiful cake. Multiple layers, fresh fruits, cream and chocolate chips.
The clematis in the front garden is a joy.
 I also managed to actually pick 3 peony blossoms this year. I don't tend to grow a lot of flowers, but at the moment I have little vases with cornflowers, sweet William, pinks, marigolds and sweet peas in. Not very many but enough to make me go "Wheeee", especially as this year, all my early Sarah Raven-inspired sweet pea seed planting only gave me 2 plants!
But for the first time my cornflowers have come to fruition and I am so chuffed.
Will do my best to pop over to your blogs to say hello, but would just like to say a big
 "Thank you"
 to all of you who have supported me and been so kind with your words. It really is a huge boost when I am feeling 'bleurgh'.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Dry Run

Friday saw me at Birmingham Airport.
Mr B had the day off so we (I) thought it might be a good idea to do a dry run to the airport in preparation for my trip to France, exactly a fortnight away that day. We were there for the take off of 'my' flight, but couldn't see it from our vantage point sadly.
Yes, I made the daft decision to book a week away with Kaari Meng from French General, a long time love of mine. I was going to go on the Amy Butler week, (on now, so living vicariously through others photos), but there wasn't a single room left, and I really don't think it would be fair on anyone to have to share a room with me, so there was a space available with Kaari, which I think will actually suit me better.
It is a big call, seeing as I find it difficult to get out of the house and of course, I worry it will be like the Spanish trip, (that didn't happen), but, that was then and the situation now will be different in so many ways, so I'm feeling positive!
It was the first outing of my birthday present from Mr B. Galloping horses
necklace from Cheltenham. (Very apt).

 Also, for the first time, I wore this lovely bracelet that I bought from Vix at Kinky Melon.
Wild, isn't it?

Friday 29 May 2015

BEDM - Day 29 "Passion Projects"

The one thing we have really got into this years is birds.
(The winged variety!) 
So cute!
A big baby blue tit caught my eye today, as I was washing up, just sitting on the edge of the cold frame lid.
They haven't nested in our garden that I am aware of but we have the little tits nesting in the hole in the wall again.
I've lost my bird book at the moment, but there are 3 types of tit, I think, and this one is other larger variety. Great tit? Coal tit and blue tit isn't it? Will have to have a little Google.
Talking about Google, my picture from yesterday, was a Google Doodle for my birthday. I didn't know they did that.
Have you had a birthday Google Doodle?

Thursday 21 May 2015

BEDM - Day 21 "Collaboration"

Today I am collaborating with Kezzie over at Kezzie AG. She suggested that we ask each other questions. My idea, from Mr B, was that we did some sort of Skype-y video thingy of her teaching me Chopsticks! Not enough time for us to figure it out for today; but the future? Hey, you never know!
I called my questions to her " KezzieQuest". Any questions, from anybody, directed to me are called "Interrogation"!
So let the interrogation begin...
1.  What was the finest or your favourite hat you ever made and why?
I rather liked one I made for a ladies' second wedding. She was a 'mature lady' and my friend was doing her suit, in scarlet silk with a sort of lime green piping. It sorta sounds garish, but it was very smart. The hat she wanted was, so I was told, like the one that Jamie Curtis wore in "A Fish Called Wanda", which I hadn't seen.

We didn't have access in those days like we all take for granted nowadays, so I sussed she meant a Jackie O-type pillbox with a big bow on the back.
All in the red silk and piped in green. Even the big, puffy bow. I think it looked fab. Sadly, no photo but I know she also wore it to Glorious Goodwood, so she must've liked it too!
2. Who was your favourite teacher or lecturer through life and what difference did they make or how did they inspire you?
This was tough. I narrowed it down to 3. In reverse order, Gordon, who I worked with at Festival Ballet. Generous to many of us with his knowledge and spirit. He went on to work lecturing costume in Hong Kong and it broke my heart to find out that he had been stabbed to death in his own flat with his cutting out scissors. Second, Mr Hathaway from Junior School. Just brilliant in all respects. Our big Summer Term project with him was building a Saxon Hut and a Charcoal Burners Hut in a corner of the school playing fields.
But in first place, the wonderful Mr Little. Also in Junior School, the year before Mr Hathaway and the designer of LOBNIC - Little's Own Binary Numbers Instant Calculator, or words to that effect. He also helped teach us French by playing Bingo in French...'Maison!'. Well, we were only about 9 years old at the time!
3. If you could design a new crisp flavour, what would yours be?
I'm wondering about cheese and pineapple?
When I was younger, before the choice there is now, someone taught me about putting Worcestershire Sauce into a bag of ready salted and giving it a good shake.
4. What was your most embarrassing work experience ever?
Calling Chantal, Princess von Ernst of Hanover 'Mrs Hanover' when filling in an order form for her at Catherine's!
"Mrs Hanover" probably wearing something not from Chelsea Design Co
I only found out when I came to do the banking and logged her cheque in for items she had bought  from the women's wear boutique. ( I had been working in the children's shop.) In my defence, the form was one of those pre-printed ones with Mr/Mrs/Miss on, so at least I didn't put Mr! For another good boobie, again at Catherine's, read this!
5.  What led you to follow the career you followed?
I went to design college not knowing what I wanted to do. I had tried really hard to get an apprenticeship as a farrier, whilst still at school, with no joy. I did the Foundation Course and didn't want to do a degree so it was a toss up to either do Theatre Design & TV Crafts or Product Design, purely on the basis of wanting to be able to use the amazing workshops that were available. I plumped for theatre because I could sew. One of my tutors was Head of Millinery at The Royal Opera house; we hit it off and I had a flair for hat making.
I pushed myself out there in what was due to be my last year at college, and was offered a job with Freddie Fox, with college agreeing to me doing one day a week with FF in my final term and then go into a full time job.
Then I got glandular fever big time. My mum thought I had luekemia I was that unwell. So everything went a bit tits up! When I finally finished my course and moved to London I was lucky enough to get work as Wardrobe Mistress for visiting companies to Sadler's Wells, for Dance Umbrella. The theatre was also home for Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet, (aka BRB now), and eventually moved permanently to the Making Wardrobe, as opposed to Touring Wardrobe, for them.
Was head-hunted by Gordie at LFB.

Me & Gordie were working hard in Granada
Then I moved to work with a friends' mother, who made bridal wear in Chelsea which was hellish and then went to Catherine's.
Fast forward to us living in Southsea, where I set up as freelance maker and then eventually re-training in Business Administration and then working as a technical librarian for an engineering company that carried out work for British Aerospace amongst others.
I loved it.
Sadly, my clinical depression started and I was ultimately made redundant, which didn't help.
I now am termed 'a homemaker' or what I call Mr B's PA!!
6.  If you were offered some sort of blog opportunity, what would your ideal one be?
No idea.
Maybe something for large ladies or something for mental health or something for large ladies with mental health issues!
7. Where was your most exciting holiday ever?
I'm not well-travelled at all, but I did go on tour with Mr B to Switzerland. We stayed at the amazing Lausanne Palace Hotel and also spent time in the most amazing theatre in Basel.
Where we ate breakfast at the Lausanne Palace, with a view of Lake Geneva
I'm tempted to say I don't do 'exciting' but I am doing something exciting at the end of June.
If I can get out of the house, which nearly tripping myself up just going to the bakers this lunchtime, I wonder if I'll manage it! It's just the stress I think that makes me lose balance; I must look drunk if you are walking behind me!
8. What is your most favourite item in your wardrobe?
Depends what for. Generally trousers and if at home all day, then comfy.
Can't think of one extra special item though.
Will have a think on that one!
9.  Share your most shocking deed as a child (if you dare!??!!)

When I was away at school, aged 12, a whole load of us went into the field next to the tennis courts and 'fought' with the local boys.

We got sent to bed early, (I mean about 6 o'clock early), with no supper, just bread and water. I can't remember her exact words, but Mardi, the headmistress, was really, really not pleased with me!
10. What are the things you miss most about being a child.
Brent Cottage, where I grew up. It was idyllic. And a lack of fear. I was always wary, but it's the fact you don't take in the huge enormity of stuff when you're a kid, do you?
11. Tell me your favourite word and why?
Tabby. Yes, I know, my cats' name. But we would, and still do, sing what we call The Tabby Cat Song aka the SATC theme tune with Tab Tab Tab as the words. Or The Big Bang Theory with Tab, Tab Tab, it all started with a tabby cat! CAT!! Try it, it's catchy!

Phew! If you're still reading, I take my hat off to you! (ha ha).
Thank you, Kezzie, it's been a blast!
Now, about Chopsticks...........